Natco black eye beans
A classic beans with a dry but creamy texture. High in protein and fibre, these beans are a staple base for many Asian and African stews and casseroles
£1.29Natco black eye beans
£1.29 -
Natco mung beans
A delicious small bean with a creamy nutty flavor, also sprouted for far eastern cooking as bean sprouts. In India, they are cooked with a variety of spices and other vegetables.
£1.69Natco mung beans
£1.69 -
Niru parboiled rice 1Kg
Parboiled rice is rice that has been partially boiled in the husk. The three basic steps of parboiling are soaking, steaming and drying
£1.89Niru parboiled rice 1Kg
£1.89 -
Natco ground rice 1.5Kg
Ground Rice (coarse rice powder) is made from finely milled rice. Ground Rice is made from ground raw rice and is used to make rice noodles and some pancakes
£1.89Natco ground rice 1.5Kg
£1.89 -
Niru jaggery powder
Jaggery is made from unrefined sugar, and is obtained by boiling raw, concentrated sugar cane juice till it solidifies
£1.89Niru jaggery powder
£1.89 -
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