Aachi bajji bonda flour
It can be served as an evening snack for your people at home. It is tasty and can be prepared quickly
£1.99Aachi bajji bonda flour
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Aachi briyani masala
Biryani Masala is a ready made spice blend for making tasty Biryanis. Hyderabadi Biryani is a popular Indian dish made with highly seasoned rice and meat or fish or vegetables.
£2.19Aachi briyani masala
£2.19 -
Aachi chicken 65 masala
Spice blended for chicken 65. Chicken 65 masala is one of the basic chicken recipe from Indian cuisine that tastes delicious flavorful and mildly spicy. its blend of Chilli, Salt, Cinnamon, Cloves, Garlic, Ginger, Cardamom, Refined Groundnut oil
£1.89Aachi chicken 65 masala
£1.89 -
Aachi chicken curry
Make authentic and savory Chicken Curry with this easy to use Chicken Curry Masala
£1.99Aachi chicken curry
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Aachi chilli chicken
Chilli Chicken is a mouth-watering Indo Chinese chicken recipe, cooked in the combination of Indian vegetables and Chinese flavors which turns into delicious and simply irresistible main course dish. Chilli Chicken is the main accompaniment of the Chinese dishes, paratta, chappathi
£1.99Aachi chilli chicken
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Aachi curry masala powder
Can be used to prepare Mutton, Chicken, Peas Kurma, and Aloo Mutter Curry
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Aachi egg curry masala
It is a blend of a wide range of spices, like cumin and cinnamon, coriander, cardamom, anistar, fennel and many more, which gives this blend a complex aroma and flavor making the egg curry extra spicy and aromatic
£1.99Aachi egg curry masala
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Aachi fish curry masala
Fish Curry powder is usually a mixture of turmeric, chilli powder, ground coriander, ground cumin, ground ginger, and pepper, and can be bought in mild, medium or hot strengths
£1.99Aachi fish curry masala
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Aachi fish fry masala
Fish fry masala has been created with the traditional tastes in mid, bringing to you a mix of all the main ingredients that go into making lip smacking fish fries with all the authentic flavour and richness
£1.99Aachi fish fry masala
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Aachi garam masala
Garam masala is a blend of ground spices, originating from the Indian subcontinent,
£1.99Aachi garam masala
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Aachi gobi manchurian
Very famous in South India for its unique cuisine.You can find Tomato, Red chilli, Garlic, Onion, Pepper in Aachi Gobi Manchurian mix.
£1.69Aachi gobi manchurian
£1.69 -
Aachi kulambu chilli masala
Contain chilli, salt, cloves, coriander, cardamom, turmeric, pepper, cumin, cinnamon, dry ginger, methi, mustard, badyan.
Hotline: 07984038757